Boulder County Schools and Nearby Community Resources
Boulder has some of the best schools in Colorado as well as a thriving museum and performing arts scene. Longmont’s Main Street boasts a fun night life. Dining options in Lafayette and Erie are affordable and robust. Louisville’s remodeled rec center and summer family entertaining options can’t be beat.
From Denver to Fort Collins, Golden to Thornton, and everywhere in between, each community we serve has its own unique characteristics, price points, and amenities.
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Check out the information on Boulder Valley schools and nearby community resources.
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General Info
- City Data.com
- Sperling’s Best Places
- Relocation Essentials
- State of Colorado
- The Denver Post newspaper
- Denver Business Journal
- WestWord alternative newspaper
- Boulder Community Network (All things Boulder)
- Boulder Area Realtor Association
County Info
School Districts
Boulder Valley School District
6500 East Arapahoe Road
Boulder, CO 80303
St. Vrain Valley School District
395 South Pratt Parkway
Longmont, CO 80501
(303) 776-6200
Adams County School Districts
1500 E 128th Ave
Thornton, CO 80241
Jefferson County (Jeffco) Public Schools
1829 Denver West Drive #27
Golden, Colorado 80401
Thompson School District
800 S. Taft Ave.
Loveland, CO 80537
970 613-5000
Arts and Entertainment
Boulder Office of Arts + Culture
Main Boulder Public Library at
1001 Arapahoe
Boulder, CO, 80302
Boulder County Arts Alliance
2590 Walnut Street, Suite 9
Boulder, CO 80302
303.447.2422, info@bouldercountyarts.org
Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art
1750 13th Street
Boulder, CO 80302
303.443.2122, visitorservices@bmoca.org
Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company
2590 Walnut St
Boulder, Colorado
(303) 351-2382, info@betc.org
Broomfield History Museums
2201 W. 10th Ave.
Broomfield, CO
Dairy Arts Center
2590 Walnut Street
Boulder, Colorado 80302
Denver Center for the Performing Arts
Between Speer Boulevard and 14th Street,
and between Arapahoe and Champa streets
Denver, Colorado
The Museum of Boulder
2205 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80302
University of Colorado CU Presents (Student Theater, Music, Dance, and Performing Arts)
972 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80302
303-492-8008, cupresents@colorado.edu
University of Colorado CU Visual Arts Complex
1085 18th Street
Boulder, CO 80309-0459
University of Colorado Museum of Natural History
15th and Broadway
Boulder, CO
University of Colorado Heritage Center
1600 Pleasant St.
Boulder, CO
Louisville Historical Museum
1001 Main St.
Louisville, CO 80027
Superior Historical Museum
City of Longmont Museum
400 Quail Road
Longmont, CO
Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum
1310 Maple St
Golden, CO 80401
(303) 273-3815
Colorado Railroad Museum
17155 W 44th Ave
Golden, CO 80403
(303) 279-4591
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
2001 Colorado Blvd
Denver, CO 80205
(303) 370-6000
Museum of Contemporary Art Denver
1485 Delgany St
Denver, CO 80202
(303) 298-7554
Children’s Museum of Denver
2121 Children’s Museum Dr
Denver, CO 80211
(303) 433-7444
Denver Botanic Gardens
1007 York St
Denver, CO 80206
(720) 865-3500
Denver Art Museum
100 W 14th Ave Pkwy
Denver, CO 80204
(720) 865-5000
Downtown Boulder/Events
Downtown Boulder Partnership
1942 Broadway, Suite 301
Boulder, CO 80302
Boulder Theater
2032 14th Street
Boulder, CO 80302
The Colorado Chautauqua National Historic Landmark
Box Office
900 Baseline Rd
Boulder, CO 80302
303.440.7666, info@chautauqua.com
1535 Spruce Street
Boulder, CO 80302
303-443-8696, info@etown.org
Boulder Chamber Orchestra
4735 Walnut Street, Suite F
Boulder, CO 80301
(303) 583-1278, info@boulderchamberorchestra.org
Boulder Opera
303.731.2036, info@boulderoperacompany.com
Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra
303.449.1343, info@boulderphil.org
Boulder Chorale
685 Inca Parkway
Boulder, Colorado 80303
303.554.7692, boulderchorale@gmail.com
NCAR Community Art Program
1850 Table Mesa Drive
Boulder, CO 80305
WOW! Children’s Museum
110 N Harrison Ave
Lafayette, CO 80026
Longmont Museum & Cultural Center
400 Quail Rd
Longmont, CO
(303) 651-8374, museum@longmontcolorado.gov
Longmont Theatre
513 Main St
Longmont, CO
303-772-5200, office@longmonttheatre.org
Jesters Dinner Theatre
224 Main St.
Longmont, CO 80501
303-682-9980, boxoffice@jesterstheatre.com
BDT Stage (formerly Boulder Dinner Theater)
5501 Arapahoe Avenue
Boulder, Colorado 80303
(303) 449-6000
Firehouse Art Center
667 4th Ave
Longmont, CO 80501
(303) 651-2787
Fox Theater
1135 13th street